Federal Alliance of European Federalists

Course on Federalism in 3 levels

The only course in the world that teaches you all about federalism!

In cooperation with

Coöperatie SamenWereld

Do you have worries?

* You would like a strong Europe ..., 

                    ... but you do not know what to do about the current shortcomings.

* You see the rise of nationalist extreme right-wing movements ... 

                    ... and that frightens you.

* You see that Europe is a puppet of geopolitical powers ...,

                    ... but it is hopelessly divided and incapable of providing a strong answer.

Would you like to have a strong Europe?

Then Help us to Build that.

  • 1
    Start by acquiring knowledge by doing this course 
  • 2
    You will then find out exactly why Europe is not functioning properly today 
  • 3
    You will find out how things can be done differently and much better
  • 4
    And then you might want to help us spread that knowledge

The usefulness and necessity of the United States of Europe

  • The United States of Europe gives the people of Europe unity, solidarity and cooperation in important areas of social life such as security, work and education. But in areas such as trade, economy, immigration, energy and climate as well. 
  • A federal Europe is only concerned with a restrictive list of common interests that the Member States can no longer take care of themselves. All other interests remain within the competences of the Member States.

What will you learn in the course?

  • You will learn how to expose popular misconceptions about federalism.
  • You will learn why and how a federal Europe preserves and guards the sovereignty of its Member States.
  • You will learn why and how the Member States of a federal Europe preserve their cultural identity

What is special about the course?

The Course consists of three levels, derived from the old guild system

- Apprentice

- Journeyman

- Master

A particular aspect of our method of learning is the fact that our view of the future of Europe is strongly embedded in history and based on the ideas of European philosophers

This course is action-oriented: it is about spreading basic knowledge about federalism, informing the people of Europe about federalism and involving the people of Europe in ratifying a federal European Constitution.

apprentice level

Get elementary knowledge about federalism

€17,00 (ex. VAT)

  • The first steps in the domain of federalism: 50 short video's on the conceptual framework of federalism
master level

Become a Master in Federalism

€67,00 (ex. VAT)

  • The first steps in the domain of federalism: 50 short video's on the conceptual framework of federalism
  • Federalism in historical context
  • Specific aspects of federalism
  • Essential flaws of the EU-intergovernmental system
  • The final touch
  • Towards the United States of Europe

In the Master Level you will study the book Sovereignty, Security and Solidarity, written by course leader Leo Klinkers. You will get that book for free.


I consider Leo Klinkers' Verbondenheid, Veiligheid en Voorspoed (Sovereignty, Security and Solidarity) to be one of the very best I have read about Europe. It is a beautiful analysis, razor-sharp and erudite at every level: powerful, convincing, crystal clear, based on unsurpassed knowledge and with a message that deserves the attention of every European who cares about the future of our continent. This book is undoubtedly a very important one. I hope it will be read by many.

Frank Ankersmit Emeritus professor of intellectual and theoretical history of political philosophy at the University of Groningen


This book, of which an English version has also been published (Sovereignty, Security and Solidarity) is part of a new, Europe-wide campaign for a federalization of the European project, for which the author, as an administrative expert, has already committed himself with his publication of the European Federalist Papers (2013). This received incomprehensibly little attention at the time, but in Civis Mundi we already paid the necessary attention to it. Civis Mundi has long been a convinced advocate of a federal Europe, which in most media is usually encountered with skepticism or criticism as a reprehensible superstate structure, which it is not. It was a sad sign of the lack of constitutional knowledge about state formation processes.

Wim Couwenberg  Emeritus professor constitutional law, editor of Civis Mundi,  Magazine for Political Philosophy and Culture


Congratulations on your book on the importance of founding a Federal Europe, which I have read with interest. I see this book as the crowning glory of the considerable amount of work that you have done over many years to trace, analyze, publicize, and raise real sympathy for the philosophy that underlies a federation.

Anthony Caram  Professor of Monetary Economics at the Anton de Kom University of Suriname


This volume which represents a strong case for a politically and legally integrated Europe, as the only alternative to the dissolution of the European project, places itself on the same line of succession of the classics of federalist thought.

Andrea Bosco  - Jean Monnet Professor at the University of Florence. Founder of the Lothian Foundation Press, London.

Your journey through the course

  • First you learn the most important parts of the conceptual framework of federalism
  • You learn the astonishing history of the creation of the first federation in America.
  • Then you will learn how this was dealt with in Europe.
  • The journey continues in the direction of establishing a federal Europe.
  • And then it ends with the view that a federal Europe is for and by the citizens of Europe: it is up to the people to ratify a federal Constitution.

Take this course, be enterprising

Feel your responsibility to join this trip. For you and your children. 

You can help spread the knowledge you have acquired. Go on the road and tell the story. Become an affiliated teacher yourself.

A different and better Europe starts with the people themselves, with society.

apprentice level

Get elementary knowledge about federalism

€17,00 (ex. VAT)

  • The first steps in the domain of federalism: 50 short video's on the conceptual framework of federalism
master level

Become a Master in Federalism

€67,00 (ex. VAT)

  • The first steps in the domain of federalism: 50 short video's on the conceptual framework of federalism
  • Federalism in historical context
  • Specific aspects of federalism
  • Essential flaws of the EU-intergovernmental system
  • The final touch
  • Towards the United States of Europe

Why shouldn't you ... or?

  • If you think you already know everything about federalism, take a good look at the table of contents of the course. Maybe it brings you to other thoughts.
  • Do you not have time to follow this course? That is a pity then. You will miss the train that takes us to a federal Europe.
  • If you think that more knowledge about federalism does not help to establish a federal Europe, think of your own responsibility to help meet the age-old need to forge unity, security and solidarity between the countries of Europe.
  • You think “It has been tried so often to make a federal Europe, but it never worked.” Indeed, since 1800, many attempts have been made to establish the United States of Europe. But our approach is completely different. The way we do it has never been tried before. Just look at the course content and join in.
  • The course is not meant to be a pastime. It is a serious matter: working on founding the United States of Europe before new National Socialism destroys Europe.

Leo Klinkers, your teacher

Leo Klinkers, PhD, is consultant in public administration, with a background in constitutional law. As co-founder of the Dutch Association of Public Administration he contributed to establishing schools of public administration in vocational and academic institutes. He left the University of Utrecht in 1983 to continue his career as independent consultant for governments in a variety of countries. He is co-author of the European Federalist Papers.

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